Soal Tes Toeic Dan Kunci Jawaban
Soal Tes Toefl - Tentunya ini akan menjadi pelajaran yang sangat berarti sekali untuk kamu semua yang lagi mencari Soal Tes Toefl tersebut di sini. Kami membas Soal Tes Toefl lengkap untuk anda bisa pelajari langsung nantinya, sehingga bisa membatu pelajaran buat anda semua. Admin kunci jawaban menyampaikan banyak sekali soal untuk kamu semua dimana supaya anda yang ingin tahu pasti akan tahu untuk tersebut, dan soal untuk umum hinga perguruan tinggi pun kami membahas di internet site ini sehingga sangat lengkap apa yang anda cari semua pelajaran kami berikan untuk membantu banyak orang bisa pelajari soal-soal dan kunci jawaban.
Maka untuk itu untuk memecahkan masalah Soal Tes Toefl bisa anda melihat disini dibawah ini untuk bisa langsung dipelari atau anda bisa download Soal Tes Toefl tersebut disini. Soal Tes Toefl Baca Juga: A new. Tip dan Strategi Tes TOEFL Hearing Comprehension Kemampuan Memahami Tes TOEFL Hearing Comprehension: - Memahami tekanan dan nada, - Memahami perbedaan bunyi, - Memahami idiom (idiomatic reflection), - Memahami ungkapan-ungkapan percakapan, - Memahami kelompok atau frasa kata kerja, - Menemukan informasi yang tersirat (tak dinyatakan secara jelas) - Memahami perbandingan (evaluation), dan - Memahami makna/isi percakapan atau pembicaraan Menguasai Kunci Menjawab Soal TOEFL Listening Comprehension - Kuasai 21 kunci menjawab soal TOEFL Listening Comprehension dalam software program Guru TOEFL. - Banyak berlatih hingga Anda merasa matang dalam latihan software Master TOEFL. - Pelajari perkembangan belajar Anda melalui raport analisis software program Genius TOEFL.
Cara Menjawab Soal TOEFL Hearing Comprehension 1. Pahami bentuk-bentuk perintah (direction) pada masing-masing bagian (component) dengan baik sebelum hari L ujian. Bacalah pilihan pada masing-masing soal sebanyak mungkin ketika narator sedang membacakan direction dan contoh soal (instance). Dengarkan dengan penuh konsentrasi dan fokuskan perhatian anda pada percakapan yang sedang Anda dengarkan.
10 Responses to 'Contoh-contoh Soal Tes TOEFL Beserta Kunci. Haloo Mbak' dan Masbro sekaliannn Di sini. Contoh-contoh Soal Tes TOEFL Beserta Kunci Jawaban. Soal Tes Toefl Memberikan Bank Soal Soal dan kunci jawaban Soal Tes Toefl.
Memaksimalkan kemampuan hearing Anda pada soal-soal pertama pada masing-masing component. Suggestion dan Strategi Tes TOEFL Construction and Written Manifestation Kemampuan Memahami Tes TOEFL Framework and Written Expression: - Pahami materi-materi yang berhubungan dengan subjek dan predikat, appositive, participle, konjungsi, decreased sentence in your essay, serta bentuk inversi dalam bagian Structure. - Pahami materi-materi yang berhubungan dengan hubungan subjek dan kata kerja, bentuk dan fungsi kata kerja, parallel framework, comparatives superlatives, unaggressive voice, kata benda (noun), artikel (article), kata ganti (pronoun), kata sipat (adjective), dan kata keterangan (adverb), serta kata depan (prepostion) dalam bagian Written Reflection. Menguasai Kunci Menjawab Soal TOEFL Framework and Written Phrase - Kuasai 60 kunci menjawab soal TOEFL Construction and Written Expression dalam software program Wizard TOEFL. - Banyak berlatih hingga Anda merasa matang dalam latihan software Genius TOEFL. - Pelajari perkembangan belajar Anda melalui raport analisis software program Master TOEFL.
Cara Menjawab Soal TOEFL Construction and Written Expression 1. Kerjakan soal-soal struktur terlebih dahulu. Lanjutkan pada soal-soal written appearance. Pertama-tama perhatikan kalimat yang dipertanyakan dalam soal.
Perhatikan masing-masing jawaban yang tersedia, pilihan yang paling tepat untuk melengkapi kalimat yang dipersoalkan. Jangan pernah mengeliminasi sebuah pilihan jawaban dengan hanya melihat pada jawaban tanpa melihat kalimat soal. Pertama-tama perhatikan kata atau kelompok kata yang digaris bawahi dan temukan secara cepat bagian mana yang tidak tepat. Bila soal yang Anda hadapi tidak bisa diidentifikasi hanya melihat kata atau kelompok kata yang bergaris bawah, segeralah membaca kalimatsecara lengkap.
Tip dan Strategi Tes TOEFL Reading Knowledge Kemampuan Memahami Tes TOEFL Reading through Comprehension: - Topik bacaan dalam soal Reading Comprehension biasanya berkaitan dengan masalah-masalah akademik, terutama buku-buku teks mengenai biologi, geografi, fisika, sejarah Amerika, biografi, ekonomi, ilmu-ilmu sosial, dan lain-lain. - Materi yang diujikan dalam tes Reading Comprehesion memiliki pola-pola dan standar tertentu. Anda diminta untuk mengetahui tema bacaan, menentukan pikiran pokok, mengetahui arti dari kosa kata tertentu, mengetahui informasi tertentu, melakukan penyimpulan, melakukan identifikasi atas pengecualian-pengecualian, dan mengetahui rujukan dari pronoun tertentu. Menguasai Kunci Menjawab Soal TOEFL Reading through Knowledge - Kuasai 13 kunci menjawab soal TOEFL Reading through Comprehension dalam software Wizard TOEFL. - Banyak berlatih hingga Anda merasa matang dalam latihan software Wizard TOEFL. - Pelajari perkembangan belajar Anda melalui raport analisis software Master TOEFL. Cara Menjawab Soal TOEFL Reading Understanding 1.
Jangan terlalu lama membawa teks bacaan. Perhatikan semua pertanyaan yang terdapat pada sebuah bacaan dan ingat-ingat kata kuncinya. Jangan panik apabila tema bacaan bukan merupakan disiplin ilmu yang Anda kuasai. Lakukan previewing untuk mengetahui topik bacaan. Perhatikan kalimat pertama dari sebuah bacaan paragraf untuk mengetahui primary concept. Pahami konteks yang terdapat pada bacaan untuk mengetahui arti kata tertentu.
Lakukan scanning untuk menemukan informasi tertentu yang berkaitan dengan permintaan soal. Kumpulkan fakta dan information dalam bacaan untuk melakukan infersi/penyimpulan. Berkonsentrasi selama membaca teks bacaan. Tingkatkan kecepatan membaca Anda. Contoh Soal Construction dalam Tes TOEFL 1. Primary processes included in practically all production: extraction, set up, and change.
There are usually three C. Three of the Pembahasan Jawaban: A new. There are three Important phrase: main processes; included in Frasa major processes menunjukkan kata benda jamak, sementara kata involved pada kalimat merupakan passive participle yang memiliki arti “yang terlibat”. Jadi kalimat ini masih membutuhkan subject matter dan verb. Karena itu jawaban yang paling sesuai adalah there are three. Like bacterias, protozoansby splitting in two.
Reproducing T. To recreate D. Reproduction Pembahasan Jawaban: G. Reproduce Important word: like Frasa like bacterias berfungsi sebagai keterangan yang menerangkan protozoans, jadi subject aslinya adalah protozoans (plural/jamak). Kalimat sudah memiliki subject, namun verb kalimat belum ada.
Pilihan A (repdroducing) merupakan existing participle, pilihan M (to reproduce) adalah bentuk to invinite dan pilihan M (duplication) adalah sebuah noun. Ketiganya tidak dapat menjadi verb, jadi pilihan B paling sesuai karena replicate merupakan bentuk verb. Kansas, the center of the Hopewell culture, offers the most significant concentration of ancient burial mounds in the United Expresses. What is usually called C. That is certainly called N. Is known as Pembahasan Jawaban: What will be called Crucial word: of; offers Klausa yang berada di antara koma, pada kalimat membutuhkan verb.
Namun klausa ini juga membutuhkan kata penjelas untuk the Hopewell tradition yaitu what. Several meteorits are believed to have started from that once existed between the orbits of Mars and Jupiter. A new.Where a world or exoplanets B. A planet or planets so C. Which a planet or planets D. A earth or exoplanets Pembahasan Jawaban: A earth or exoplanets Key term: that Kalimat ini membutuhkan objek yang diterangkan dengan kata sambung that. Pilihan yang berupa objek adalah a earth or planets.
The author John 2 Passes created a design of hype incorporating several documentary devices. Lent realism C. That financing realistic look C. To loan realistic look D. Of whose realistic look lent Pembahasan Jawaban: To lend realism Key word: created Untuk kalimat yang memiliki lebih dari satu kata kerja, apapun bentuk kata kerja utamanya, kita dapat menggunakan to invinite untuk kata kerja berikutnya. During the decades after the United State governments Civil Battle, a host of specialized advances produced probable and uniformity of railroad services.
A brand-new integration B. For a new incorporation C. That a brand-new integration D. And a fresh integration Pembahasan Jawaban: A new integration Key Word: and uniformity Untuk mengisi rumpang tersebut, kata yang sesuai adalah dalam noun. Maka jawaban yang paling sesuai adalah a fresh incorporation. Hares usually have more time ears and hind legs than rabbits and shift by bouncing. Instead to become B.
Instead than C. Are instead M. As instead Pembahasan Jawaban: Rather than Key word: important development; has been Kalimat ini membandingkan hares dengan rabbit dalam hal cirri-ciri fisil dan perilaku (jumping dan working). Karena itu pilihan yang tepat untuk perbandingan adalah instead than. An unconsolidated aggregate of slit particles is also called slit, a combined aggregate is known as siltstone. Whether Pembahasan Jawaban: Whereas Important term: an combined aggregate of slit particlesa consolidated aggregate. Kalimat ini membandingkan dua hal yang berbeda, yaitu unconsolidated aggregate of slit particles dan consolidated aggregate.
Karena keduanya berbeda, kita membutuhkan kata sambung yang berarti “sementara itu”, yaitu whereas. Most documentary filmmakers use neither stars. Studio environment.
And Pembahasan Jawaban: Nor Key term: neither Penggunaan neither pasti selalu diikuti nor. Pearl Sydenstricker Money,. The Nobel Prize for Materials in 1938, is usually best known for her novels about China. Who the winner of Pembahasan Jawaban: Champion of Key phrase: in 1938 Pada kalimat ini terdapat penggunaan appositive. Pada appositive, hindari penggunaan kata kerja (biasanya langsung kata benda). Jadi jawaban yang paling tepat adalah winner of. LIHAT JUGA SOAL LAINNYA.
Now set your clock for 55 a few minutes. This section is made to determine the ability to study and understand short pathways related in topic and design to those found in Northern American colleges and colleges.
Instructions: In this area you will go through several paragraphs. Each one particular is adopted by a quantity of questions about it. You are usually to choose the one greatest answer, A, T, C or Deb, to each query. Then, on your reply sheet, discover the amount of the issue and fill up in the area that corresponds to the notice of the reply you have chosen. Response all questions about the info in a passage on the time frame of what is definitely stated or implied in that passage. Examine the following passing: John Quincy Adams, who offered as the sixth chief executive of the United State governments from 1825 to 1829, is today identified for his masterfuI statesmanship and dipIomacy. He devoted his lifetime to general public program, both in the presidency and in the different other political workplaces that he held.
Throughout his politics career he confirmed his unswerving belief in independence of presentation, the antislavery result in, and the best of Us citizens to end up being free from Western and Hard anodized cookware domination. Example I To what do Tom Quincy Adams devote his life? (A) Enhancing his individual existence (M) Serving the general public (C) Growing his lot of money (M) Functioning on his private business Based to the passing, Tom Quincy Adams 'dedicated his living to general public provider.' As a result, you should select (B). Instance II In series 4, the phrase 'unswerving' will be closest in significance to (A) portable (T) insignificant (M) unchanging (Chemical) diplomatic The passing states that Bob Quincy Adams exhibited his unswerving perception 'throughout his career.' This implies that the perception did not change.
Consequently, you should select (Chemical). Now begin function on the queries. Queries 1-9 Carbon tetrachloride will be a colorless and inflammable water that can end up being produced by merging carbon disulfide ánd chlorine. This substance is broadly utilized in business today because of its efficiency as a solvent mainly because well as its use in the manufacturing of propellants. Despite its popular make use of in sector, carbon tetrachloride offers been banned for house use. In the history, carbon tetrachloride was a common ingredient in washing compounds that had been used throughout the home, but it had been discovered to become harmful: when warmed, it shifts into a toxic gas that can result in severe sickness and even death if it is definitely inhaled. Because of this dangerous characteristic, the United Expresses revoked authorization for the house use of carbon tetrachIoride in 1970.
The United Claims has used similar activity with different other chemical substance substances. The main point of this passage can be that A new.
Carbon tetrachloride can become very harmful when it is heated C. The government prohibited carbon tetrachloride in 1970 M. Although carbon tetrachloride can legitimately be utilized in business, it can be not allowed in house products.
Carbon tetrachloride utilized to be a regular component of cleansing compounds 2. The phrase “widely” in collection 2 could many easily become changed by A new. Extensively Chemical. The term “banned” in series 4 is usually closest in meaning to A. Instituted 4. According to the passage, before 1970 carbon tetrachloride was A. Utilized by itself as a cleanser B.
Banned in industrial use C. Usually used as a component of washing items D. Not really allowed in home cleaning items 5. It will be mentioned in the passage that when carbon tetrachloride is warmed, it turns into A new. A cleansing substance D. Inflammable 6. The term “inhaled” in range 7 is definitely closest in meaning to A.
Breathed in M. Carelessly utilized G. The term “revoked” in collection 8 could most easily end up being replaced by A new. Instituted Chemical. It can become deduced from the passage that one function of the U.S.
Government is definitely to A. Regulate item security B. Prohibit any make use of of carbon tetrachIoride C. Instruct business on cleaning methodologies D. Ban the make use of of any chemicals 9. The paragraph using the passing most most likely discusses A new.
Installing Your Wood Heater All wood heaters and related fittings must be installed in line with Australian Standard AS/NZS2918 and in accordance with the wood heater manufacturer’s instructions. Building a wood heater. List of Certified Wood Heaters All wood heater manufacturers in Australia must comply with the tough AS/NZS4013 standards to ensure consumers get a quality product that is both efficient and safe for the environment. To ensure your heater is installed properly, we recommend using a person who is qualified to do so. Before installing a certified wood heater in Australia, you should check if approval is required from your local council.
Additional makes use of of carbon tetrachIoride B. The bánning of various chemical substances by the U.S i9000. Government M. Further harmful effects of carbon tetrachIoride D. The major characteristic of carbon tetrachloride Queries 10-19 The following performer in this study of American artist is usually Adam Whistler; he is definitely incorporated in this study of United states artist because he had been blessed in the United Areas, although the majority of his art work was completed in Europe. Whistler was delivered in Massachusétts in 1834, but nine decades later his father shifted the household to St.
Pétersburg, Russia, to function on the building of a railroad. The family came back to the United States in 1849. Two decades afterwards Whistler entered the U.H. Armed forces academy at West Stage, but he had been incapable to graduate. At the age group of twenty-one Whistler proceeded to go to Europe to study art despite familial objéctions, and he continued to be in European countries until his loss of life. Whistler worked well in various art forms, like etchings and lithographs.
However, he is most famous for his works of art, particularly Set up in Grey and Black No. 1: Family portrait of the Artist's Mom or Whistler's i9000 Mother, as it will be more frequently known.
This painting shows a part view of Whistler's i9000 mother, outfitted I dark and posing against a grey walls. The asymmetrical nature of the family portrait, with his mother sitting off-center, will be highly characteristic of Whistler't function. The paragraph preceding this passing most likely discusses A new. A survey of eighteenth-century artwork B. A various American musician D. Whistler's i9000 other popular works of art D.
Western performers 11. Which of the following best talks about the details in the passage? Several artists are shown M. One designer's existence and functions are explained C. Different paintings are contrasted Chemical. Whistler'h family life is defined. Whistler is definitely regarded as an American musician because A.
He has been given birth to in America B. He invested many of his existence in Americat G. He served in the U.H. He created many of his popular art in Usa 13.
The world “majority” in range 2 can be closest in meaning to A new. Huge pices D. Great percentage 14. It is definitely implied in the passing that Whistler'h family has been A. Incapable to discover any work at all in Rusia T. Highly supportive of his wish to pursue art C.
Working course D. The term “objections” in series 7 will be closest in signifying to A new.
Agreements M. In collection 8, the “etchings” are usually A new. A kind of painting B.
The same as a Iithograph C. An artwork form introduced by Whistler Chemical. An artwork form involving engraving 17. The phrase “asymmetrical” in range 11 can be closest in signifying to A new. Proportionate B. Which of the pursuing is certainly NOT accurate according to thé passsage? Whistler work with a range of art forms.
Whistler's Mother will be not really the recognized name of his artwork. Whistler is usually best recognized for his etchings. Whistler'beds Mother is colored in somber shades. Where in the passing will the author point out the varieties of art work that Whistler had been involved in? Outlines 8-10 Queries 20-30 The locations of superstars in the stones essential contraindications to one another do not appear to the naked eyes to alter, and as a outcome stars are often considered to become set in placement. Many unaware stargazers falsely presume that each celebrity provides its very own permanent house in the night time sky. In fact, though, superstars are often relocating, but because of the remarkable ranges between superstars themselves and from superstars to Globe, the modifications are barely perceptible right here.
An instance of a rather fast-moving celebrity demonstrates why this misconception prevails; it requires approximately 200 yrs for a fairly rapid superstar like Bernard'beds celebrity to proceed a range in the skies similar to the size of the earth's moon. When the evidently negligible motion of the stars is contrasted with the movement of the exoplanets, the celebrities are apparently unmoving.
Which of the following is definitely the best title for this passage? What the vision can find in the atmosphere t. Bernard's star d.
Planetary Movement d. The Evermoving characters 21. The reflection 'naked eyes' in collection 1 almost all probably relates to a. A telescope m. A technological method for noticing celebrities c. Unassisted eyesight d.
A surveillance camera with a powerful lens 22. Regarding to the passage, the distances between the celebrities and Planet are usually a. Barely perceptible n. The word 'perceptible' in line 5 is definitely closest in significance to which of the pursuing? Noticeable c. Persuasive d. Conceivable chemical.
Astonishing 24. In series 6, a 'misunderstanding' can be closest in indicating to a (d) a. Proven fact c. Erroneous belief d. The passage says that in 200 yrs Bernard's star can proceed a. Around Earth's moon b. Next to the globe's moon c.
A range equivalent to the range from globe to the móon d. A distance seemingly equivalent to the size of the móon 26. The passage suggests that from planet it shows up that the planets a. Are fixed in the skies b. Shift more slowly than the superstars c. Show around the exact same quantity of movement as the superstars d.
Traveling through the atmosphere considerably even more rapidly than the stars 27. The term 'minimal' in range 8 could most easily become replaced by a. Insignificant d.
Which of the sticking with is NOT true according to the passing? Starts do not appear to the vision to proceed. The large distances between superstars and the earth are likely to magnify movement to the vision c. Bernard's celebrity moves quickly in evaluation with various other stars d. Although celebrities proceed, they seem to be fixed 29. The paragraph following the passing most probably discusses a.
The motion of the planets n. Bernard'h star g.
The distance from world to the móon d. Why stars are generally moving 30. This passing would almost all probably be assigned reading through in which course? Geophysics c.
Geography Questions 31-40 It provides been noted that, typically, courts possess granted cases of divorce on mistake coffee grounds: one spouse is deemed to become at problem in leading to the separation and divorce. More and even more today, nevertheless, divorces are being granted on a no-fault base. Supporters of no-fault cases of divorce claim that when a relationship falls flat, it is certainly seldom the case that one marriage partner can be totally to blame and the various other blameless. A failed relationship is very much more frequently the outcome of mistakes by both partners.
Another disagreement in favor of no-fault separation and divorce is usually that showing fault in court, in a general public arena, can be a damaging process that just acts to lengthen the divorce process and that dramatically improves the negative feelings present in a separation and divorce. If a few can reach a decision to divorce without first deciding which partner can be to blame, the separation and divorce negotiation can be negotiated even more conveniently and equitably ánd the postdivorce healing process can start more rapidly.
What does the passage mainly discuss? Traditional environment for separation and divorce c. Who is definitely at mistake in a divorce c.
Why no-fault divorces are getting more typical d. The different factors for cases of divorce 32. The word 'spouse' in series 1 is closest in indicating to a a. Divorce decree d. Relationship partner 33. Based to the passage, no-fault divorce cases a.
Are usually on the raise b. Are usually the conventional form of divorce c. Are less popular that they used to end up being d. Had been granted even more in the last 34. It is definitely implied in the passing that a.
Soal Tes Toeic Dan Kunci Jawaban
There lately has been recently a lower in no-fault divorces b. Not all divorces today are no-fault divorces c. A no-fault separation and divorce is not really as equitable as a problem separation and divorce d. Individuals recover even more gradually from a no-fault separation and divorce 35.
The term 'advocates' in series 4 will be closest in meaning to which of the pursuing? Recipients c. Authorities d. The passing declares that a general public trial to demonstrate the problem of one spouse can a. End up being gratifying to the wronged partner b.
Lead to a shorter divorce procedure c. Reduce damaging feelings d. Be a dangerous process 37.
Which of the using is usually NOT outlined in this passage as an debate in favour of no-fault separation and divorce? Rarely will be just one marriage companion to fault for a divorce w. A no-fault divorce generally expenses much less in legal costs c. Selecting mistake in a divorce increases bad emotions d.
A no-fault separation and divorce settlement is certainly generally less complicated to make a deal 38. The term 'existing' in series 9 could most easily end up being replaced by a. Introducing d. Ensuing 39.
The phrase 'negotiation' in range 10 can be closest in meaning to a. Development b. Debate d. Agreement 40.
The shade of this passing is certainly a. Passionate g. Expository d.
Reactionary Questions 41-50 Whereas reading in the initial fifty percent of the eighteenth century in U . s had been Iargely religious and moraI in toné, by the Iatter half of thé century the revoIutionary fervor that wás coming to Iife in the coIonies began to bé reflected in thé literature of thé timé, which in turn served to furthér influence the popuIation.
Although not all writers of this period supported the Trend, the two bést-known and almost all influential authors, Ben Franklin and Thomas Paine, were both highly encouraging of that result in. Ben Franklin first attained well-known achievement through his writings in his brother's newspaper, the New Britain Current.
In these articles he used a easy style of vocabulary and typical sense argumentation to protect the stage of see of the character and the Leather Apron man. He carried on with the exact same common feeling practicality and charm to the typical man with his function on Poor Richard's i9000 Almanac from 1733 until 1758. Solidly established in his popular acceptance by the people, Franklin composed a variety of incredibly effective articles and essays about the colonist's i9000 revolutionary result in against Britain. Thomas Paine has been an Englishman working as a newspaper publisher in Philadelphia at the period of the Trend. His pamphlet Normal Feeling, which made an appearance in 1776, had been a drive in motivating the colonists to announce their independence from England. Then throughout the lengthy and eager war decades he released a series of Turmoil papers (from 1776 until 1783) to encourage the colonists to keep on on with the battle. The usefulness of his writing was most likely owing to his psychological yet oversimplified interpretation of the trigger of the colonists against England as a traditional battle of good and evil.
The paragraph previous this passing most most likely discusses a. How reading impact the human population b. Spiritual and ethical books c. Novels helping the lead to of the Us Trend d. What made Thomas Paine's reading productive 42.
The phrase 'fervor' in series 2 is definitely closest in indicating to a. The term 'time' in line 3 could greatest be changed by a.
Visit d. It is certainly intended in the passing that a. Some authors in the American colonies backed England during the Trend w. Franklin and Paine had been the only authors to impact the Revolution c. Because Thomas Paine was an Englishman, he supported England against the colonies d. Writers who backed England do not remain in the coIonies during the Trend 45. The pronoun 'he' in range 8 pertains to a.
Thomas Paine m. Ben Franklin c. Ben Franklin's brother d.
Poor Richard 46. The manifestation 'point of see' in series 9 could greatest be changed by a.
Perspective t. Situation d. Regarding to the passing, the overall tone of Poor Richard's Almanac is certainly a. TheoreticaI d. Scholarly 48. The term 'desperate' in line 16 could best be replaced by a.
Combativé 49. Where in the passing does the author describe Thomas Paine's design of writing?
Ranges 14-15 d. Ranges 18-20 50. The objective of the passage is certainly to a. Discuss American literature in the 1st fifty percent of the eighteen century b. Give biographical data on two American writers c. Explain which writers backed the Trend d. Describe the literary impact during groundbreaking North america Kunci Jawaban.